fredag 4. september 2015

Rodney Howard-Brownes "profeti" - som Visjon Norge-sjefen trodde på

Her får du referert det meste av det herr Howard-Browne sa til herr Hanvold, og som Hanvold handla på.

Kor mykje pengar trur du kan ha gått med i åra som følgde, til satsinga på "Vision Heaven", "Vision Norden" og andre "steg i tru"?
16.03.2006, under eitt av møta i ein møteserie med Gunnar og Linda Bergling som vertskap:
Rodney Howard-Browne - Visjon Norge & Jan Hanvold sitt store førebilete - går bort til Hanvold, tar han i handa og "profeterer" det følgande:

"What the Lord's doing with you is only the beginning.
have a television station in every country of
Europe, in the language of the people.

Get ready! You haven't seen anything yet.

It's not according to what you have. It's according to what He has for you. And the time you stop is when He'll stop.

"But if you step with me," sayeth the Lord, "I'll do it. I'll give you a station in every nation that you set your foot. I'll put it in your hand supernaturally.
And many will look at you and say, "how was this done?" And you'll raise your hands and say, "Oh! Look what the Lord has done.
For the Lord has done great things." So rejoice and be glad.

Don't worry about the money. It'll all come.
"I'll bring donkeys in. I'll bring camels in, carrying the provision. [...] "so be bold and be glad, for all this shall happen within the next five years" ..."
(Avskrift frå VHS-opptak av Visjon Norges reprisesending.)

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